Building a Culture of Humanity on Anti-Racist Foundations
This foundational workshop offers a shared race/class analysis upon which to build equity work by weaving anti-racist principles with our own stories, inside a historical telling that gives us deeper access to and understanding of the multiple manifestations and levels of systemic racism in the U.S. Together, we will explore and excavate the social, historical, and political meanderings of our racialized lives, and from there, find greater clarity, relief, usefulness, and hope that we can make our way through and out of this racialized dehumanization. This, along with practical relational tools for a life-long journey. We subcontract with a number of highly effective national racial justice educators and organizations to provide a powerful, masterful, and memorable customized experience. No two workshops are alike. All are facilitated by teams of White, Black, and non-Black people of Color.
Anti-Racist Leadership Coaching
This concentric-circle coaching model centers racial identity exploration inside a social-historical race/class analysis and racial identity development models that are praxis-oriented (reflection/action). Together we will internalize foundational anti-racist principles and develop the skills required for leadership effectiveness. We begin with self, root into family and history, working the fundamental muscles needed to take strategic actions that not only impact interpersonal relationships, but most importantly have the potential of alleviating systemic harms in organizations and culture. We set the context of our work inside a vision centering Black and Indigenous humanity which is absolutely imperative to ensure that all people are free, safe, thriving, sharing in the abundance of equitable resources, liberated power, and have the chance to create authentic, trusting, and accountable relationships. From here, we can design new systems that are life-giving for us all.
Intro to Affinity Groups: Understanding the Role of Racial Affinity Groups in Undoing Systems of Oppression
This introductory organizational series, examines the role of racial affinity groups in organizing for racial equity and institutional transformation. We work in mixed-race and racial affinity spaces to internalize anti-racist principles and build foundations for intentional daily practice. We explore the history and purpose of anti-racist affinity groups, pitfalls and barriers, as well as some fundamental definitions and concepts, while utilizing a variety of reflective modalities to discover the power and healing that is available through this intimate community practice. We provide readings, reflection questions, and community engagement activities. This experiential workshop is open to participants of all racialized identities and will be taught through an intersectional lens with a focus on Whiteness, power, privilege, and anti-Black racism.
Private Practice Therapy
Our private therapy practice is committed to collective liberation and generational healing. We’ll support you finding your way through the places you’re getting stuck, and tapping into your most authentic self. We’ll explore pain points, identify root causes, and build foundations of recovery on visions of humanity. Our clinical focus tends towards racial identity exploration, dominant culture and intergenerational family trauma, psychosis, addiction/recovery, eating disorders, LGBTQIA+ identities, harm reduction, and beyond. We have a kinship leaning towards healing work with community leaders committed to living a fierce legacy of justice and truth, who may be struggling with self-defeating beliefs/behaviors. Are you ready to explore recovery, spirituality, courageous leadership, getting out of your own way so you can be a part of the solution this planet is longing for? We might be a good fit. Send us a message and we can discuss the details.