If you’re committed to dismantling historical systems of oppression that uphold racism through harmful economic polices, cultural practices, and unquestioned institutional traditions, you’re in the right place.
RW-B Techniques is a Brooklyn-based coaching, consulting, and healing community hub committed to building racial equity and liberated power through engagements that transform people, organizations, and culture. We develop leaders and thought leadership focused on eradicating racial harms for Black, Indigenous, and other racialized communities across the U.S. We are anti-racist reparationists committed to ending systemic racism, the racialized wealth divide, and all forms of oppression. We aim to inspire White people, communities, and institutions to take responsibility through grounded and rooted actions that organize toward our nation’s collective health, racial healing, and economic repair by studying history, reflecting in community, telling the truth, and creating accountable solutions that contribute to authentic and mutually satisfying material outcomes. We’re here to provide supportive interventions for the necessary examination of distorted historical narratives, default comforts, and cognitive dissonances that lead to the disconnection from humanity, multi-generational life-altering traumas, and death in a multitude of forms. We work to uproot denial by gently embracing the disorientation required for such transformation. This happens through deep personal commitment and the intentional and courageous relational exploration of Whiteness, power, privilege, and the intersecting identities and dynamics that we have internalized and that have been weaponized to dehumanize us all. We aim to develop muscle for recovering our humanity—saving our own lives—so that together we have the fighting chance to find our way and co-create new life-giving paths/patterns of healing in ourselves and the world around us.